Finally I do find listening to guided meditations that you can easily find on YouTube very helpful. One supplement worth looking into as well is N-Acetyl L- Cysteine. Nut butters are okay for use in moderation and raw versions are best. You can do this! After reading your article I cut out olive oil as a test (I am already fruit free for months due to apparent intolerance). Its lovely. We tried the no-fruit-digesting foods, plus no-combined-grains-and-tubers for two months. So while, yes, that Intro. . Thank you so much for your post. (source). It is also the best diet for everyone. I dont care what I have to do, I just want to heal. Thank you for sharing! I am so grateful to have come across your article and all that followed from so many of sufferers like me, who has battled with IC for almost 15 years from my late 40s. Hi Mikaila, Im glad the posts are helpful! We will never sell your information. That coupled with my symptoms was how she diagnosed me. I follow the IC diet, am on the medications, but nothing works. Never did a thing for me. The most important pieces, in my opinion, for IC are going firstly grain-free and refined-sugar-free, pulling out dairy, eggs, and fruit in the beginning and secondly to have the food evaluation done while doing the above diet so you know which food to not add back in. Was it the supplements or the powder, I use Perfect Supplements bulk collagen powder: You can contact Dr. Zeff. I been trying elimination diet, and really watching what I eat. The links wont work for me. Really informative post, I have never heard of this before. . I also use topical magnesium spray twice daily: I make sure to get K2 and calcium, as well as liquid minerals. I will begin the GAPS diet already eat a restricted diet so it will not be difficult for me and do the test you speak of. Yes, I found tremendous healing at that stage. Hi Nicole, it isnt. Lets take a further look at each one: Hes a sensitive guy of 8 anyway, and Ive been so overwhelmed because even after taking all the fructose and trying to do the FODMAP foods, hes worse than ever, but at least not throwing up. Be patient with yourself. WebBusiness, Economics, and Finance. Thanks a bunch! Because we respected that and kept them out of his diet, he has the now the healthiest gut among us. Thank you. Or do you mean something else as far as the correlation between salicylates, fruit and IC? A balanced diet with a wide variety of items from all food groups is the best diet for interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome (IC/BPS). The meat needs to be pasture-raised to be good for us. NAC stands for N-Acetyl L-Cysteine. Hi Megan, What a blessing to read your blog! You could also contact Dr. Zeff to find your food intolerance which makes reintroductions easier. Sorry for your challenges! Good allergy testing? Your bladder is a hollow, muscular organ that stores urine. He can send you the food intolerance kit in the mail. I started suffering from symptoms of IC and IBS about 6 months ago. Heat/Cold Therapy. I also read a while ago that coconut oil has antigungal properties. Can you tolerate raw garlic pressed or minced? He went off all dairy and now he is almost 23 and can totally handle dairy! Along with helping with yeast issues, its also helpful in treating uti's and cystitis. I am wondering sistadana how you cured yourself. Hi Rachel, how long the diet takes is different for everyone. You could consider a reintroduction diet that moves very slowly: Gradually challenge foods you think may be gentle, like oily fresh water wild seafood, egg yolks, pasture-raised, A2 ghee made from Kerrygold butter etc. A food intolerance is different than a food allergy. If not, Id call Dr. Zeff and get the kit to find out your food intolerance. Ferments are terrible for your bladder (ferments are the foundation of the GAPS diet) and they trigger Mast Cell Degranulation which causes a whole host of problems including bladder issues. I wonder if IBS is closely associated with IC, like which comes first-the egg or the chicken ? Im so glad, Kelsie! , Yes, stay hopeful. Just popping in to say while coconut oil is safe physiologically, (like other oils) it is not safe for use with condoms, so if that's part of your birth control method then oil is a no go. Thanks for your fast response Megan! Oh, your sharing makes me so happy. There are other contributing factors that are more causal. I have IBS and have to really adjust my eating habits. I now follow a paleo style diet and the IC has never come back , Hi Layla, wonderful!! Feel free to email if you would like to consult; otherwise, feel free to contact Dr. Zeff. . By eliminating dairy, and with his wonderful use of homeopathy, he put her extreme asthma into remission. We are finally doing better over the past 2.5 years, but after soooooo many years with so many limitations, it is hard to know how to ensure adequate nutrition for all persons in the family. Im so sorry about your struggles with IC or lichen sclerosis and so glad you found relief!!! It took 8 years. Furthermore, she prescribed me to take Symbiolact and Symbioflor (live bacteria) and to take tapioca flour. Common interstitial cystitis signs and symptoms include pain in the pelvis, chronic or recurring pelvic pain, a persistent or urgent need to urinate, frequent urination in small volumes, pain or discomfort in the bladder as it fills, excessive relief after urinating and pain during sexual intercourse. Hi Megan I am working with a ND for my Ic and he uses the MRT Leap food sensitivity test for food sensitivities. Claire_A ICN Member Join Date: Jan 2011 Posts: 385 Tweet #3 Thank you for your work. Also, we have been gluten free now for years. It had gotten so bad on his hands that his skin peeled off in sheets and it crept up his arms. I went to school and got my degree in coaching psychology after. You can read more about food intolerances here:, Im so happy I found your article! Snack: celery sticks with peanut butter and raisins. Im afraid the list is too long. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to, Truly one of the best and easiest dinners, 90-Second Keto White Bread makes one small, Tom Kha Gai is that Thai soup everyone loves and a, I mean it when I say this the best AIP Stuffing re. Keep figuring it out. Depending on the type of flare, heat may be more effective, or cold, or even a combination of both. Where you able to eat fermented foods while on the GAPS diet? I dont think they know. My little guy suffering so much is way whiny, and Im kind of dreading doing this unless I at least do it with him, or all of us do it. For example, I do not feel fatigued after eating them but they do cause me to have a regular bowel movement which I have attributed that to being good although my bladder symptoms flare up but that could be from other things. Coconut and avocado oils can be used like castor externally due to their cooling effect but unlike castor they also have too much of a cooling effect internally so should not be used in cooking Hence routine use of coconut oil internally, even though the rage from a matter science view currently, is not a good idea as it will disrupt agni which I was diagnosis in 2000 With IC. Thank you, This is awesome. I have uterine fibroids, myomas, but according doctor fibromas dont make me to urinate frequently. Medical doctors say there is no cure for IC. But then I started jumping. I had dropped my dose. I believe this is due to the sunny climate! Thanks for sharing your story. Ill publish a post in the next couple of days for you and others. Seriously. Just left the toilet and have to go again in 15 minutes. Lets take a further look at each one: As evidence, our family is THRIVING. For toothpaste, I use Earthpaste, the spearmint one: For deodorant, I use Life-flos magnesium-based roll-on deodorant. Im SO thankful and glad that you already feel relief and improvement! But I am working a lot, have a child and want to get pregnant again. I used to add lots of salt to my food. Of olive oil, plus small piece of meat. It is not like the food intolerance or allergy tests that most naturopaths use. you see in pulling fruit from those with more serious symptoms. Personally, right now I do eat butter and occasionally cream, but thats all for dairy. And do they eventually go on GAPS or modified GAPS after histamine is reduced? Im having trouble finding the food intolerance test on Dr Zeffs website (salmon creek clinic), do you have a direct link or would I need to contact the clinic? Along with helping with yeast issues, its also helpful in treating uti's and cystitis. I think it s better to drink rooibos-tea, maybe green or whitetea and yerba mate, instead of coffee. The goal is to find contentment and healing in the same place. Also, what are your secondary food intolerances (the combination)? I hope this helps you in the future all the best. Official Title: Efficacy of Peppermint Oil in a Randomized, Single-Blind, Placebo Controlled Trial in Women With Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain Syndrome. I keep a food diary that has helped. Upon removing fruit, the difference was amazing. I am at a loss as to what to do to get this flare to leave and let me get back to my healthy and happy life. Dr. Larrian Gillispie, a female uro-gynecologist widely recognized in the scientific and medical community and one of the few doctors with expertise in the area of pelvic pain, has shown that women can break out of the vicious cycle of cystitis. Boul. I am now wondering if I can continue to take it or not! I was fruit-free during that time period. It has magical powers i swear by it. If you have Mast Cell, tho, I hope you are getting GI Map stool test to look for parasites and gut infections those are big root causes of mast cell/histamine issues. Try to control your anxiety and remain hopeful. Thank you very much ..I also wanted to ask about something else ..Do you or anyone else who has IC feel fatigue ?? So the combination of diet, lifestyle and supplements is important, but most importantly diet. That means that there may be one food group in your diet that is literally sabotaging your health. (source). But how exactly did you cure yourself? Hi, is it ok if I can book a consultation with you? They are the two I started with, while also eating very small amounts of sauerkraut and increasing very gradually over time. We had the same thing happen with our now 11-year-old. Thank you so much for sharing! How long did you do stage 2 for? So, the GAPS principles are still playing out in my life and they are still supporting my recovery from IC. Ive been making fruit smoothies! My new book called Healing through the pain, how I recovered from Interstitial Cystitis is in editing right now:), How exciting, Melissa!! WebBusiness, Economics, and Finance. Otherwise, I am completely symptom-free. Its a precursor to glutathione. Some have allergies I had to diagnose on my own as well- one with corn, though Im sensitive to that too, one with legumes and cranberries, another with beef. Thank you! I take virgin cod liver oil ( in capsule form and digestive bitters or Betaine HCl with Pepsin, instead of digestive enzymes ( and This means your gut doesnt have the machinery or enzymes to break down and eat a certain food. Do you have a list of fruit free grocery store items that you love? Laser cervical surgery after abnormal pap (moderate dysplasia) in 3/2004 UTIs since mid 2004 Recurrent yeast infections since mid 2005 IC dx 3/2006 V V dx 12/2006 Other conditions: IBS, allergies, dry eyes. Have you healed again since writing this? That is one of the most important lessons to learn, because early on, if I had even a twinge in my bladder, my anxiety was through the roof. So glad you are encouraged and experiencing wellness. I know you dont have that but maybe you have a friend who can check in with you every day. Frankly speaking I do not feel much better. Many research suggests its capability in fighting against infections as well. What do you eat to curb this craving? Whatever works, amen! Perhaps limit dairy for those who aren't supposed to have it; and consider pulling it out entirely if their symptoms get worse or new ones surface. Ive gone the Elmiron route, and yes, way too expensive. With the Intro phases of GAPS I made sure that I was stable, meaning I could introduce a new food and flourish with it, no new symptoms. Another option that my men prefer is Schmidts magnesium and charcoal product. Yes, this is common for anyone with IC or leaky gut, because the HPA axis is affected and often the thyroid, too. Combined with a gut-healing protocol and knowing ones food intolerance/eliminating fruit to start. (Heres my post on this topic.) Im happy to meet with you. So the incidences of leaky gut and IC coincide. I was actually just about to eat my first batch of homemade yogurt here in the next day or two, but now you have me curious about why you dont eat yogurt. in the mean time im staying away from soda and coffee what should i eat and drink to alleviate symptoms ? The issues our no fruit ppl have is exhaustion to asthma and rashes and joint thats more serious for sure and has made a huge difference in us removing it. Its based on the work of Dr. Otis Carroll, and you can read more about it here too: Dr. Zeff suggests all with IC start by giving up all fruit to see if there is improvement. You can also try probiotics like Prescipt Assist ( or Sacc. Hi Megan, when you say you cant have vitamins, I wonder if that is perhaps too narrow an understanding of which supplements may aid your body? Have you looked into that? I am like you when my bladder is normal I can eat whatever I want, but during the flare I cut out coffee, and I do take prelief with food. The GAPS diet contributed to me getting IC. I try to follow the IC diet, I am gluten free for about 8 yrs now, the only fruit I eat is gala apples, pears, and bananas. Sometimes heat/cold therapy are the most effective treatment to relieve the pain of a interstitial cystitis flare. Good for you and best wishes! GAPS compliments the healing of SIBO in so many ways, too many to go into here. I have everything ready for when I get out of the shower so that I can go right to bed. Hi ..!I am so glad I found you and can tell you about my simtoms .I live in Albania in Europe and I hope you can help me .Doctors in my country dont even know what IC is.They just say eat healthy and the pain will go away.It sounds so ridiculuos to me.I have had 3-4 urinary infections one year ago and now there is no infection only simtoms.My doctor said I should have fosfomicine for 6 months .1 sachet in 10 days..But after two months I started to feel extremely fatigue.It made me feel better but the simtoms never dissapeared.I am so hopeless ..Please tell me what can I do.I am only 22 years old and eveything is so badWaiting forward for answers..Yours faithfully Xheni. I started suffering from IC after many courses of antibiotics and after many years of being a vegetarian and vegan I finally healed on the GAPS diet also. All fruit. She also identified that my histamine values are much too high. Not all the time like that. (Eggs, etc). xo, I really appreciated your article. Im feeling pretty discouraged right now. I truly believe now that diet is primarily the main culprit. Just a thought. Dr. Zeff works with folks internationally to do the food intolerance evaluation. Fruit?? And even more important to know that if symptoms return, they will go away again. . Hi Karen, thanks for your comment and question. I am praying to the Lord for a miracle, He is the one who gives me strenth each day to keep going. summary. So I believe there is a cure; and its based in our dietary knowledge and choices. Dinner: pork chops with mashed potatoes and green beans. Bladder wall flares react well to heat as do muscle flares. The purpose of this study is to assess the use of peppermint oil as a treatment for Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain Syndrome (IC/BPS). Blessings to you, too! Just popping in to say while coconut oil is safe physiologically, (like other oils) it is not safe for use with condoms, so if that's part of your birth control method then oil is a no go. I also like Teeccinos Dandelion Dark Roast Tea (this one), which has natural coffee flavor added. Hot peppers and spicy foods. I have been gluten free and mostly sugarfree for 4 years now. 50% of all IC patients have fruit as their food intolerance. I found I was allergic to HUNDREDS of items due to the leaky gut.. even WATER, COTTON (yes my undies) and plastic were causing my pain. This is not a food sensitivity test. Hi Barbara, hes in Vancouver, WA. We have noticed that nightshades cause her problems and she has always been lactose intolerant. It is a mindset shift, I know; but FEED yourself, knowing you need it to get well. I am now taking one of the Young Livings product call Alkalime to maintain the PH balance of my stomach and feeling much more better now, since the Alkalime is containing Lemon and Lime fruit powder. THANK YOU so much for getting the word out there that IC IS NOT INCURABLE! Onion is also bad for me, and industrial /fast food. Hi Michelle, Im sorry for your suffering thus far! I was never breastfed, struggled with UTIs and antibiotics, vegetarian for years. Research shows that people with IC have elevated histamine level olives, extra-virgin olive oil, ghee, coconut oil, leafy herbs, and herbal tea. How long did you end up being on GAPS intro? . Common interstitial cystitis signs and symptoms include pain in the pelvis, chronic or recurring pelvic pain, a persistent or urgent need to urinate, frequent urination in small volumes, pain or discomfort in the bladder as it fills, excessive relief after urinating and pain during sexual intercourse. . Where did you read about the collagen helping Melissa? Well, weve come to the point in the post where I need to tie together the pieces for you, tell you where Ive been and how I got to where I am~ symptom-free and so thankful I could fly! Lets take a further look at each one: Your email address will not be published. healed my IC. Dear Megan, thank you for your blog and your committment. I havent looked into food intolerances yet with Dr Zeff. Hi Rachel! Even after diluting the oil, it is best to do a patch test on a small area of your body to ensure that you are not allergic. It seems to me that I don t have IC at all, it was never diagnosed. If you have urinary pain that lasts for more than 6 weeks and is not caused by other conditions like infection or kidney stones, you may have IC. A leaky gut lining can lead to food allergies. Contact Dr. Zeff works with folks internationally to do the food intolerance kit in mean! And really watching what i eat and drink to alleviate symptoms Roast Tea ( this one ), which natural! Like the food intolerance kit in the next couple of days for you and others getting... A further look at each one: https: //, Im glad the are! Much for getting the word out there that IC is not like the food intolerance which makes reintroductions.... 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